Welcome To The St. Catharines Gyro Club

Where members and guests experience a variety of pleasant events and regular meetings featuring enjoyable camaraderie, excellent programs and fine meals well served.




 Gyro 2024-2025 Board of Directors 

Standing:   Brian Smith Legal Director,  Frank Rizzuto Treasurer,
Doug Setterington President,  Mike Hanson Communications Director,
Seated:  Phil O’Reilly Program Director,  Frank Copper Secretary, 
BobMartin  Vice-President/Membership,   John Bosela Director-at-Large,

The St,Catharines Gyro Club is celebrating its 70th anniversary  this year It is part of a
North American network of clubs. 
Members generally are from business, academia, political, medical, professional or technical backgrounds.
We have great dinners, sometimes special speakers, Other times unique activities— Fun & Friendship–That’s All

Next Meeting. Dr. Phil O’Reilley is putting together another memorable St. Patrick’s Day ,

Wednesday, March 12th ’25. at Parkway Social, 327 Ontario St., St. Catharines ON. BEGINING at 5:45pm

Join us for a TEST RUN…try us on, come to a meeting, see how it feels. DINNER IS ON US ! No obligation.
Contact Membership Director Bob Martin,
by email:
Give Bob your number and he will be in touch ASAP.

Next Meeting Tuesday Febuary 12 2025 at

Some Past FUN & FRIENDSHIP Events

Join us for a TEST RUN…try us on, come to a meeting, see how it feels. DINNER IS ON US ! No obligation.
Contact Membership Director Bob Martin,
by email:
Give Bob your number and he will be in touch ASAP.

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